About Me

"The energy she brings to the shoot is infectious! She understands that it can be uncomfortable to be in front of the camera. But she makes you feel like a movie star!"

—Ruby B.

Once upon a time...

Lol imagine if I started my about me section like that! Nope, just wanted to catch your attention and now that I have it, we can begin...

I became a photographer out of curiosity. And I'm so happy my curiosity and desire to learn about photography has led me to this exact moment. The moment where I can now take your vision for your photos and make them a reality. The moment where I am saying "yaaaasss girl!" or "oh my gosh you guys are like freaking models!!" during your session because I am truly just so hyped for the shoot. The moment where I will most likely fall or trip in front of you during that same shoot (I swear, it's becoming a personality trait at this point haha). Curiosity won and I am SO HAPPY that it did.

I live in Los Angeles, CA and have lived here my whole life. I have an amazing daughter named Scarlett, and her dad and I met in Las Vegas on his 21st birthday (which feels like a lifetime ago, holy guacamole!). I am slightly obsessed with Harry Potter, baking is my love language, and cleaning up the house is basically my therapy at this point.

I strive to make my clients feel comfortable during every session and hope that we end the shoot feeling like friends just casually hanging out, instead of a business transaction. I genuinely believe in showcasing the beauty that we all have within us, and I aim to have my photos highlight that! I don't believe in picture perfect photos, but picture perfect moments that are captured in the photos. I am a serial overshooter during my sessions, but I truly believe that that is the only way to do it (I will be stubborn on this!lol) because I have captured some amazing moments by taking extra snaps. I want to capture the everyday and make it magical for you. And I can't wait to get you in front of the camera so I can hype you up!